
Possible Values

You may need to update the SuiteCloud project manifest depending on the value you specify for a list field. When specifying a mandatory list field with a feature-dependent value, that feature must be added to the SuiteCloud project manifest as a required feature.

  • EXPENSE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • EXPENSEREPORT (This value has a dependency on the EXPREPORTS feature.)

  • INVENTORYADJUSTMENT (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • ITEMFULFILLMENT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • ITEMRECEIPT (This value has a dependency on the ADVRECEIVING feature.)

  • JOURNALENTRY (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)


  • OPPORTUNITY (This value has a dependency on the OPPORTUNITIES feature.)

  • OWNERSHIPTRANSFER (This value has a dependency on the INBOUNDSHIPMENT feature.)

  • PAYCHECKCOMPANYCONTRIBUTION (This value has a dependency on the PAYCHECKJOURNAL feature.)

  • PAYCHECKCOMPANYTAX (This value has a dependency on the PAYCHECKJOURNAL feature.)

  • PAYCHECKDEDUCTION (This value has a dependency on the PAYCHECKJOURNAL feature.)

  • PAYCHECKEARNING (This value has a dependency on the PAYCHECKJOURNAL feature.)

  • PAYCHECKEMPLOYEETAX (This value has a dependency on the PAYCHECKJOURNAL feature.)

  • PERIODENDJOURNAL (This value has a dependency on the PERIODENDJOURNALENTRIES feature.)

  • PURCHASE (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • REVENUEARRANGEMENT (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDREVENUERECOGNITION feature.)

  • SALE

  • STORE (This value has a dependency on the WEBSITE feature.)


  • TIME (This value has a dependency on the TIMETRACKING feature.)

  • TRANSFERORDER (This value has a dependency on the MULTILOCINVT feature.)

  • WORKORDER (This value has a dependency on the WORKORDERS feature.)

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General Notices