Set Conditional Default Settings Using N/sftp Enums

The following sample shows how to use the N/sftp module enums to set conditional default settings. The sample creates a secure connection and attempts to upload and add a large file.


This script sample uses the define function, which is required for an entry point script (a script you attach to a script record and deploy). You must use the require function if you want to copy the script into the SuiteScript Debugger and test it. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Global Objects.

 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount

define(['N/file', 'N/sftp', 'N/error'],
function(file, sftp, error) { 
    return {
        beforeLoad: function(){
            var portNumber = -1;
            var connectTimeout = -1;
            var transferTimeout = -1;
            //these variables can be taken as parameters of the script instead

            if (portNumber < sftp.MIN_PORT_NUMBER || portNumber > sftp.MAX_PORT_NUMBER)
                portNumber = sftp.DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER;
            if (connectTimeout < sftp.MIN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT)
                connectTimeout = sftp.MIN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
            else if (connectTimeout > sftp.MAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT)
                connectTimeout = sftp.MAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;

            var connection = sftp.createConnection({
                username: 'sftpuser',
                keyId: 'custkey1',
                url: '',
                port: portNumber,
                directory: 'inbound',
                timeout: connectTimeout,
                hostKey: "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDMifKH2vTxdiype8nem7+lS3x7dTQR/A67KdsR/5C2WUcDipBzYhHbnG6Am12Nd2tlM01LnaBZA6/8P4Y9x/sGTxtsdE/MzeGDUBn6HBlQvgIrhX62wgoKGQ+P2lEAO1+Vz8y3/MB1NmD7Fc62cJ9Mu88YA6jwJOIPZeHYNVyIm9OrY6VyzYyvSJhH0x7SXyvGnijJQF4G8C4c8u/UVpF/sE16xKZtly2Rx0aDL2FsDRtpyPmM602/R6ISbsmgab3MzzAEIu+zLDMdIBJn3cDhNt1F7Rar6Tu0u18KCkk8GPxbnxDuG4sCNOnXPYkDXSMUbM/ocRjYGtqdZUMmeTf3"

            // can also be a big file (created for example by async search)
            var myFileToUpload = file.create({
                name: 'originalname.txt',
                fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
                contents: 'I am a test file.'

            if (myFileToUpload.size > connection.MAX_FILE_SIZE)
                throw error.create({name:"FILE_IS_TOO_BIG", message:"The file you are trying to upload is too big"});

            var minTransferTimeout = 10;
            if (transferTimeout > connection.MAX_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT)
                transferTimeout = connection.MAX_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT;
            else if (transferTimeout < minTransferTimeout)
                transferTimeout = minTransferTimteout;

                directory: 'files',
                filename: 'test.txt',
                file: myFileToUpload,
                replaceExisting: true,
                timeout: transferTimeout


General Notices