Resolving Errors in Uploading XML Files on the SII – AEAT Response Page


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The following table lists possible error scenarios that can occur when you upload XML files on the SII – AEAT Response page, and suggests solutions for these problems.

NetSuite Error Message

Suggested Solution

Number of transactions that could not be uploaded: {n}.

Verify if the transaction IDs included in this XML file exist in NetSuite and if the associated subsidiaries and transaction types are assigned to your user account or a role. If you are unsure about this assignment, contact your administrator.

Follow the instructions suggested by the error.

The file couldn’t be uploaded because it either isn't in the XML file format or the content of the XML file isn't valid.

Check if the file that you are trying to upload is in the XML file format. Additionally, check its content too. You should only upload files received from AEAT.

The subsidiary in your uploaded AEAT response file was not found. The subsidiary name was either altered in the XML file or in your NetSuite account.

Check if the subsidiary name in your XML file is correct and if it's the same as the subsidiary name in your NetSuite account.

Your latest transaction submission was rejected. This may happen if transaction submissions previously marked as partially correct or correct were submitted to AEAT more than once.

If you see this error message, it is likely that you submitted the same transaction to AEAT more than once.

In this case, AEAT marks the transaction as rejected even if it was previously marked as correct or partially Correct.

To see if this is your submission's case, look for an exclamation point icon located next to your submission in the table on the Invalid Submissions or Log History tab.

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