Working with Outbound Transaction Response

After importing inbound e-documents from the Singapore PEPPOL API, an inbound e-document record is created for each e-document received in XML format from the Singapore PEPPOL API.

A transaction response record is created under the E-Document subtab in the E-Document Transaction Response section. On the transaction response record, the Response Sent Status is set to Not Sent and the Response Status is set to Acknowledged.

On converting the inbound e-document to vendor bill, vendor credit or sales order transaction records after the approval, another transaction response record with Accepted status is created.

Sending a Transaction Response

First, transaction response is created with the status set to Not Sent. The Transaction Response Send MR script is used to send the transaction responses. You can schedule the script based on your requirement. For more information about scheduling the MR script, see Scheduling a Map/Reduce Script Submission. After the transaction response is sent, the Response Sent Status is set to Sent status on the transaction record.

General Notices