Setting Up Salary File Import

Before importing your salary file, complete the following steps.

To set up Salary File Import:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Fields, & Records > Other Record Fields > New.

  2. From the Record Type list, select Department.

  3. In the Label field, enter Payroll Department.

  4. In the ID field, enter _xx_payroll_dep (replace the xx with the company prefix).

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Setup > Company > Departments > New.

  7. For each new department, in the Name and Payroll Department fields, enter matching values as shown in the following table:

    Internal ID


    Payroll Department


    Balance Sheet

    אין מחלקה


    Business Development

    Business Develop


    Customer Care

    Customer Car


    General & Administrative

    General & Admini











    Research & Development

    Research & Devel





    For אין מחלקה Payroll Department, in the Name field, ensure you enter either No Department or Balance Sheet and from the Subsidiary list, ensure you select IL Subsidiary.

    This is because NetSuite uses the value -NO DEPARTMENT- in reports if the department has no value, but for the salary file import, the value אין מחלק ה is required.

  8. In the top search bar, search for IL Salary File Import Mappings.

  9. On the IL Salary File Import Mappings List record, click View.

  10. Click New IL Salary File Import Mappings.

  11. Add an entry for an account.

    1. In the Name field, enter Account.

    2. Ensure the Active and Is Source Mapping boxes are checked.

    3. From the System list, select שקלולי ת.

    4. In the Mapped Record field, enter Account.

    5. In the Mapped Record ID field, enter account.

    6. In the Mapped Lookup Field ID field, enter number.

    7. In the Journal Target Field ID field, enter account.

    8. Check the Show Stopper If Empty and Show Stopper If Lookup Missing boxes.

    9. In the Start Index field, enter 62.

    10. In the Length field, enter 8.

    11. Click Save.

  12. On the IL Salary File Import Mappings List page, click New IL Salary File Import Mappings.

  13. Add an entry for Department.

    1. In the Name field, enter Department.

    2. Ensure the Active and Is Source Mapping boxes are checked.

    3. From the System list, select שקלולי ת.

    4. In the Mapped Record field, enter Department.

    5. In the Mapped Record ID field, enter department.

    6. In the Mapped Lookup Field field, enter Payroll Department.

    7. In the Mapped Lookup Field ID field, enter CUSTRECORD_XX_PAYROLL_DEP.

    8. In the Journal Target Field ID field, enter department.

    9. Ensure the Show Stopper If Empty and Show Stopper If Lookup Missing boxes are not checked.

    10. In the Start Index field, enter 102.

    11. In the Length field, enter 17 or 16.

    12. Click Save.

General Notices