One Stop Shop Setup for Accounts with SuiteTax


One Stop Shop is available only in SuiteTax accounts with OneWorld feature enabled.

This topic describes the OSS setup for accounts with the SuiteTax feature enabled. For accounts without SuiteTax, see OSS Feature Setup For Accounts Without SuiteTax.

Before setting up OSS in SuiteTax, review OSS setup permissions. For more information, see One Stop Shop (OSS) Permission.

To set up OSS in the SuiteTax Engine, see the following help topics:

Before you can generate OSS reports, you must install all required SuiteApps.

Required SuiteApps


Installation Steps

Tax Reporting Framework

Installing Tax Reporting Framework

SuiteTax Engine

Installing the SuiteTax Engine

SuiteTax Data Records

Installing the SuiteTax Data Records Bundle

After the SuiteApps have been installed, you can install the One Stop Shop SuiteApp.

To install One Stop Shop SuiteApp:

  1. Go to SuiteApps.

  2. In the search bar, enter One Stop Shop.

  3. Click the One Stop Shop image.

  4. Click Install.

  5. In the dialog window, click Install. The process may take a few minutes to finish.

To learn more about how SuiteTax identifies and evaluates OSS transactions, see the following help topics:

Related Topics

General Notices