Simple List Portlet Script

This sample creates a portlet with a simple list.


This sample references a custom entity field with the ID custentity_multiselect. Before attempting to use this sample, you must either create a field with that ID or edit the sample so that it references an existing custom entity field in your account. To create a custom entity field, see Creating Custom Entity Fields.

 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType Portlet

define(['N/search'], function(search) { 
    function render(params) {
        // Check if the portlet is placed in the center column 
        var isDetail = (Number(params.column) === 2); 
        var portlet = params.portlet; 

        // Set the portlet title based on the column it is placed in
        portlet.title = isDetail ? "My Detailed List" : "My List"; 
        // Add columns to the portlet
            id: 'internalid', 
            type: 'text', 
            label: 'ID', 
            align: 'LEFT' 
            id: 'companyname', 
            type: 'text', 
            label: 'Company Name', 
            align: 'LEFT' 
        // If the portlet is in the center column, add extra columns
        if (isDetail) { 
                id: 'email', 
                type: 'text', 
                label: 'E-mail', 
                align: 'LEFT' 
                id: 'custentity_multiselect', 
                type: 'text', 
                label: 'Multiselect', 
                align: 'LEFT' 
        // Create a filter for the search to find customers with non-empty email field
        var filter = search.createFilter({ 
            name: 'email', 
            operator: search.Operator.ISNOTEMPTY 
        // Create a customer search with the specified columns
        var customerSearch = search.create({ 
            type: 'customer', 
            filters: filter, 
            columns: ['internalid', 'companyname', 'email', 'custentity_multiselect'] 
        // Set the number of rows to show in the portlet based on the column it is placed in
        var count = isDetail ? 15 : 5;
        // Run the search and add the results to the portlet { 
            return --count > 0; 
    return { 
        render: render 


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