Worldwide Support for Phone Number Formatting

Values in custom fields set to the Phone Number type use localized formatting if the Phone Number Formatting feature is enabled in your account. The Country field in the subsidiary of the user determines the local formatting that is applied.

Worldwide phone number formatting is supported for all countries in both the UI and SuiteScript. This applies to any phone number entered on records, entry forms, and other forms or places in the NetSuite application.

For the full list of supported countries and their country codes, see List of Supported Countries.

This feature can only be enabled or disabled by administrators.

However, for purposes of backward compatibility, you may hide the +1 international prefix. For more information, see Hiding the +1 Country Calling Code for Countries Using This Prefix.

To enable worldwide support for phone number formatting, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. In the International section, check the Worldwide Support for Phone Number Formatting box.

When you enter a phone number in NetSuite, the phone number is formatted according to the following rules:


This feature only formats valid telephone numbers. If you enter an invalid number, such as all zeroes, the number will not be formatted.

The phone number formatting is only applied after you open the record containing the respective phone number and access or edit the given phone number field. The maximum length of the field is 32 characters.

This feature does not automatically affect the existing phone numbers already saved in the NetSuite application. The saved phone numbers are not reformatted unless you open the record containing the number and access or edit the given field.

This feature allows formatting in the following phone number formats:

See the phone number formatting decision tree:

                                                                                                                                                            Chec k ing the c ou n t r y in f o r m a tion of the use r s subsidia r y                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Hiding the +1 Country Calling Code for Countries Using This Prefix

You can hide the +1 country calling code in phone numbers if you comply with both of the following requirements:

The +1 calling code is used in the USA, in Canada, and in certain Caribbean, Caribbean Dutch, and British Overseas Territories.

This enhancement has been introduced to improve backward compatibility for users of the Worldwide Support for Phone Number Formatting feature.

To hide the +1 calling code, go to Setup > Company > General Preferences and check the Use phone numbers without the +1 international country calling code box.


Unless Worldwide Support for Phone Number Formatting is enabled in your account, the option to Use phone numbers without the +1 International country calling code box won’t even appear among the settings.

Related Topics:

General Notices