Create a Custom Plug-in Implementation for E-Document Custom Data Source

The following sample shows how to add custom data sources to an e-document template.

For more information about custom plug-in implementations for custom data sources and this script, see Creating a Custom Plug-in Implementation for E-Document Custom Data Source.


This sample script uses the define function, which is required for an entry point script (a script you attach to a script record and deploy). You must use the require function if you want to copy the script into the SuiteScript Debugger and test it. For more information, see SuiteScript Debugger SuiteScript Debugger.

The following code is a sample custom plug-in implementation for e-document custom data source.

          * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType plugintypeimpl
 * @NModuleScope Public
define(["N/render"], function(nsrender) {
   * inject - This function will provide the custom data source during the generation process
   * @param {Object} params
   * @param {String} params.transactionId
   * @param {Object} params.transactionRecord
   * @param {Number} params.userId
   * @returns {Object} result
   * @returns {‌render.DataSource} result.alias
   * @returns {string} result.format
   * @returns {Object | Document | string}
   * @returns {Object} result
   * @returns {Boolean} result.success 
   * @returns {string} result.eiAuditTrailMsg

  function inject(params) {
    var txnRecord = params.transactionRecord;
    var txnId = params.transactionId;
    var userId = params.userId
    var customObj = {};
    log.debug("Custom Object", customObj);
    return {
      customDataSources: [
          format: nsrender.DataSource.OBJECT,
          alias: "custom",
          data: customObj
        result: { //Optional
        success:true, // Mandatory. Datatype: Boolean (true/false)
        eiAuditTrailMsg:"Custom Data Source executed successfully." //Optional. Datatype: String 

  return {
    inject: inject


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