Electronic Bank Payments with CNAB for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)


The following topics describe how to set up and process electronic bank payments with the Centro Nacional de Automação Bancário (CNAB) system in NetSuite. This functionality is part of the Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp. It is not related to the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp. For more information about the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp, see Electronic Bank Payments.

BRHub enables you to process electronic bank payments with the CNAB system in NetSuite.

The CNAB system is a Brazilian solution that establishes an interface for information exchange between companies, banks, and customers. The system provides payment file standards that enable the communication with banking institutions.

The Brazilian Federation of Banks (FEBRABAN) is responsible for standardizing the format of the payment files exchanged with the CNAB system. There are two standard payment file formats:

BRHub lets you pay vendor bill and expense report transactions, and generate payment slips to receive payments from invoice transactions. Only previously authorized accounts can process electronic bank payments with the SuiteApp. For more information about using this feature, contact your account manager.

BRHub supports the following payment file formats from these banks:

To learn more about electronic bank payments with CNAB on NetSuite, see the following topics:

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