Setting Up INSS Calculation for Self-Employed Workers (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) tax for self-employed workers applies to the services provided by independent contractors.

To set up INSS calculation for self-employed workers:

  1. Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Parametrização de Impostos de Serviço.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click the INSS subtab.

  4. Click the INSS Contribuinte Individual sublist.

  5. In the Data Inicial column, enter or select the start date for the effectiveness of the INSS parameter.

    The start date is the date on which the parameters start to be effective for transactions subject to INSS. Brazilian legislation defines the date.

  6. In the Data Final column, enter or select the end date for the effectiveness of the INSS parameter.

    The end date is the date on which the parameter expires, losing its effect. You can edit this field later if the law changes and affects the effectiveness of the parameter.

  7. In the Faixa Inicial column, enter the starting amount for the INSS calculation basis.

  8. In the Faixa Final column, enter the ending amount for the INSS calculation basis.

  9. In the Valor Mínimo column, enter the minimum amount to collect INSS.

  10. In the Valor Máximo column, enter the maximum amount to collect INSS.

  11. In the Alíquota column, enter the INSS rate on the calculation basis.

  12. Click Add.

  13. Repeat the previous steps to add as many calculation basis ranges as required.

  14. Click Save.

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