PIS and COFINS Calculation on Goods (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The Programa de Integração Social (PIS) and Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS) taxes apply to any movement of goods and product imports. PIS and COFINS can also apply to telecommunication, electricity, and shipping services.

Creating PIS and COFINS Parameters on Goods

To set up the PIS and COFINS calculation on your account, you must create a parâmetros PIS/COFINS produtos (PIS and COFINS on goods parameter) record. Create parâmetros PIS/COFINS produtos records for each Mercosur Common Nomenclature (MCN) code used on your goods or expenses transactions.

To create PIS and COFINS parameters on goods:

  1. Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Parametrização de PIS/COFINS > New.

  2. In the NCM field, select the MCN code associated with the goods or expenses subject to PIS and COFINS taxation.

  3. In the Categoria Fiscal da Subsidiária field, select the tax regime adopted by the subsidiary.

  4. (Optional) If you are creating parameters for PIS and COFINS levied on an expense, in the Despesa field, select the expense category.

    PIS and COFINS can apply to expenses such as telecommunication, electricity, and shipping services. For shipping services, PIS and COFINS apply when you issue the Conhecimento de Transporte Eletrônico (CT-e) e-document for the operation.

    For more information about expense categories in Brazil, see Expenses for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  5. In the Regime Apuração field, select the PIS and COFINS assessment regime.

  6. In the Origem do Produto field, select the goods’ origin category.

    If you are creating parameters for PIS and COFINS levied on an expense, do not select anything in this field.

  7. Click Save.

Creating CST Parameters for PIS and COFINS

After you create a parâmetros PIS/COFINS produtos record, you must create parâmetros CST PIS/COFINS records for each Código de Situação Tributária (CST) code used on your transactions involving goods.

The CST code determines the type of PIS and COFINS taxation the products or expenses are subject to, according to the operation defined by the Código Fiscal de Operações e Prestações (CFOP) you select. Create as many parâmetros CST PIS/COFINS records as required.

To create CST parameters for PIS and COFINS:

  1. Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Parametrização de PIS/COFINS.

  2. Next to the parâmetros PIS/COFINS produtos record you want, click View.

  3. Click the Alíquotas subtab.

  4. Click New Parâmetros CST PIS/COFINS.

    A new parâmetros CST PIS/COFINS record opens.

  5. (Optional) To restrict this parameter to a tax group, in the Grupo de Tributação field, select a tax group.

    For more information about tax groups, see Creating Tax Groups for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  6. In the CFOP field, select the CFOP code associated with the operation subject to PIS and COFINS.

  7. In the CST PIS field, select the CST code associated with PIS.

  8. In the Alíquota PIS field, enter the PIS rate.

  9. In the Alíquota COFINS field, enter the COFINS rate.

  10. In the CST COFINS field, select the CST code associated with COFINS.

  11. (Optional) If you want NetSuite to exclude the ICMS tax from the PIS and COFINS tax calculation basis, check the Desconsiderar o ICMS da Base de Cálculo box.

    By default, NetSuite includes ICMS on the PIS and COFINS tax calculation basis.

  12. Click Save.

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