Paying a Single Vendor on the Bill Payment Page in Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

You can record a vendor payment by creating a bill payment transaction on NetSuite.

To pay a single vendor on the bill payment page in Brazil:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Pay Single Vendor.

  2. In the A/P Account field, select the accounts payable account that is affected by this transaction.

  3. In the Payee field, select the vendor for this purchase.

  4. If you use the Classification feature, select a department, class, or location to associate this transaction with a classification.

  5. Enter other information relevant to the payment.

    For more information, see Paying Bills to a Single Vendor.

  6. Click the Apply subtab.

  7. Find the vendor bill transaction to which you want to apply the payment.

  8. In the Apply column, double-click the checkbox next to the vendor bill you want.

    The Parcelamento window opens.

  9. On the Parcelamento window, click the Parcelamento subtab.

  10. In the Quitar column, click Selecionar to select the installment to be paid.

  11. (Optional) If you are applying a partial payment, in the Valor Pagamento field, enter the payment amount.

    By default, this field displays the installment’s full amount.

  12. (Optional) If a fine applies to the payment, in the Valor Multa field, enter the fine amount.

  13. (Optional) If interest applies to the payment, in the Valor Juros field, enter the interest amount.

  14. (Optional) If a discount applies to the payment, in the Valor Desconto field, enter the discount amount.

  15. (Optional) If the payment date is not the current date, in the Data Quitação field, enter or select the payment date.

    By default, this field displays the current date.

  16. (Optional) If you are paying an international vendor and want to post the imposto de renda (IR) levided on the exchange rate, in the Valor IR Câmbio field, enter the income tax amount.

  17. Click Quitar.

    Repeat the previous steps to apply the payment to as many installments as required.

  18. Click Salvar Quitação.

    The Parcelamento window closes.

  19. On the Bill Payment page, click Save.

    The bill payment is saved. The payment transaction status is now Approved.

    If the payment equals the total amount of the vendor bill, the vendor bill status becomes Paid in full. If you applied a partial payment, the vendor bill status remains Open.

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