Auxiliary Withholding Tax Reports (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp)

The Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp provides auxiliary reports to enable you to verify and extract information about taxes withheld on transactions recorded in NetSuite.

Withheld INSS Auxiliary Report

The auxiliary report for withheld Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) tax lists the transactions in which INSS (for natural persons or legal entities) was withheld. The report displays information about the e-documents associated with the transactions, and the amounts withheld.

You can use this report as a reference to generate the Guia da Previdência Social (GPS) collection form. You cannot generate the GPS collection form directly in NetSuite.

To view the withheld INSS report:

  1. Go to Reports > BRHub - Relatórios Fiscais > INSS Retido.

  2. Expand the search filters.

  3. In the Subsidiary field, select a subsidiary to filter transactions involving this company.

  4. In the From field, enter or select a start date to filter the list of transactions.

  5. In the To field, enter or select an end date to filter the transactions until a specific date.

  6. After you define your search filters, NetSuite automatically updates the results.

Withheld IRRF Auxiliary Report

The auxiliary report for withheld Imposto de Renda Retido na Fonte (IRRF) tax lists the transactions in which IRRF (for natural persons or legal entities) was withheld. The report displays information about the e-documents associated with the transactions, and the amounts withheld.

You can use this report as a reference to generate the Documento de Arrecadação de Receitas Federais (DARF) collection form. You cannot generate the DARF collection form directly in NetSuite.

To view the withheld IRRF report:

  1. Go to Reports > BRHub - Relatórios Fiscais > IRRF Retido.

  2. Expand the search filters.

  3. In the Subsidiary field, select a subsidiary to filter transactions involving this company.

  4. In the From field, enter or select a start date to filter the list of transactions.

  5. In the To field, enter or select an end date to filter the transactions until a specific date.

  6. After you define your search filters, NetSuite automatically updates the results to match the filters.

Withheld PCC Auxiliary Report

The auxiliary report for withheld PIS, COFINS, and CSLL (PCC) taxes lists the transactions in which PCC was withheld at the time of invoice and vendor bill creation. The report displays information about the e-documents associated with the transactions and the amounts withheld.

To view the withheld PCC report:

  1. Go to Reports > BRHub - Relatórios Fiscais > PCC Retido.

  2. Expand the search filters.

  3. In the Subsidiary field, select a subsidiary to filter transactions involving this company.

  4. In the From field, enter or select a start date to filter the list of transactions.

  5. In the To field, enter or select an end date to filter the transactions until a specific date.

  6. After you define your search filters, NetSuite automatically updates the results to match the filters.

Withheld PCC on Payments Auxiliary Report

The auxiliary report for the withheld PIS, COFINS, and CSLL (PCC) taxes on payments lists the transactions in which PCC was withheld at the time of payment. The report displays information about the e-documents associated with the transactions, the amounts withheld, and the withholding amounts resulting from payable or receivable installments.

To view the withheld PCC on payments report:

  1. Go to Reports > BRHub - Relatórios Fiscais > PCC Retido Pagamento/Recebimento.

  2. Expand the search filters.

  3. In the Subsidiária field, select a subsidiary to filter transactions involving this company.

  4. In the From field, enter or select a start date to filter the list of transactions.

  5. In the To field, enter or select an end date to filter the transactions until a specific date.

  6. After you define your search filters, NetSuite automatically updates the results to match the filters.

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