Setting Up a Brazilian Nexus in Accounts Without SuiteTax (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

NetSuite uses the term nexus to describe a tax jurisdiction or geographic area where you do business. A nexus has its own tax regulations.

Nexuses are part of the NetSuite Advanced Taxes feature, required for NetSuite OneWorld. You must associate each subsidiary with at least one nexus. To ensure that NetSuite calculates the Brazilian taxes for your Brazilian subsidiaries, you must have a Brazilian nexus record on your account.

For more information about the nexuses in accounts without SuiteTax, see Nexuses and Subsidiaries.

To set up a Brazilian nexus in an account without SuiteTax:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Nexuses.

  2. Review the records list and verify if a Brazilian nexus record is listed.

    • If a Brazilian nexus is listed, do the following:

      • Next to the Brazilian nexus, click Edit.

      • In the Description field, replace the existing description with BRHub - Cálculo Impostos Brasil.

      • Click Save.

    • If no Brazilian nexus is listed, do the following:

      • Click New Nexus.

      • In the Country field, select Brazil.

      • In the Description field, enter BRHub - Cálculo Impostos Brasil.

      • Click Save.

        For more information about creating nexus records in accounts without SuiteTax, see Creating Tax Nexuses.

  3. Add the nexus to a Brazilian subsidiary.

    • Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries.

    • Next to the subsidiary record you want, click Edit.

    • Click the Nexuses subtab.

    • In the Nexus column, select the Brazilian nexus.

      The Country column displays the country associated with the nexus record, in this case, Brazil.

    • Click Add.

    • Click Save.

    • Repeat the previous steps for all the Brazilian subsidiary records on your account.

      For more information about adding a nexus to a subsidiary record, see Adding or Removing Nexuses from a Subsidiary.

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