NetSuite Basics

Watch the videos in this section to learn how to set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), change your NetSuite password, and opt in to and use Release Preview, as well as how to use other basic NetSuite features.

The videos in this section are categorized into the following areas:

Account Administration

Benefits of Customer-Scheduled Maintenance

Enabling Employee Specific Expense Folders

How to Change Your NetSuite Password

Running Simultaneous NetSuite Sessions

Navigating Workbooks


2FA Setup for Users

Logging In and Out of NetSuite

Navigating NetSuite

File Cabinet

Using Permissions in File Cabinet

Working with Files in File Cabinet

Release Preview

Opt-In to Release Preview

Use Your Release Preview

System Notes

System Notes: System Notes Overview – Video 1 of 4

System Notes: Removing Personal Information from System Notes – Video 2 of 4

System Notes: System Notes v2 Overview – Video 3 of 4

System Notes: Using the System Notes v2 Workbook – Video 4 of 4

General Notices