Setting Requisition Preferences

After you enable the Requisitions feature, set the appropriate preferences.

To set requisition preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.

  2. To require approvals on requisitions, on the Approval Routings subtab, check the Requisitions box.

    Clear this box to not require approvals for requisitions.

    The Requisition Approval Workflow bundle must be installed to use this preference.

  3. Define the maximum number of lines to consolidate on purchase orders. On the Order Management subtab, enter a value in the Maximum {Purchase} Lines to Consolidate field.

    This definition applies in the following cases:

    • when you submit multiple orders on the Order Requisitions page and items from one or more requisitions are combined on a single purchase order

    • when you submit multiple orders on the Order Items page and items from one or more planned orders are combined on a single purchase order

    This value defaults to 10 but you can enter a number up to 250.

    Setting the value of this field to 0 has the following effect:

    • On the Order Requisitions page, all requisition lines for a vendor are consolidated into a single purchase order.

    • On the Order Items page, all planned order lines for a vendor are consolidated into a single purchase order.

  4. To use expense items on requisitions and purchase orders, in the Order Management subtab, check the Allow Expenses on Purchases box.


    Ensure that you do not orphan expense lines after you enable this preference.

    For example, you enable the preference and create requisitions with expense lines. Then, you disable the preference.

    After being disabled, no new requisitions with expense lines can be created and all expense lines on existing requisitions will be hidden in your account.

    To not orphan expense lines, you must delete all open expense lines before disabling this preference.

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