Creating ICMS FCP Parameters (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The contribution to the Fundo de Combate à Pobreza (FCP or FECOMP) works as an additional rate on ICMS collection.

To create ICMS FCP parameters:

  1. Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Parametrização de ICMS.

  2. Next to the parâmetros ICMS record you want, click Edit.

  3. Click the FECOMP subtab.

  4. Check the Conveniado ao Fundo de Combate à Pobreza box.

  5. In the Alíquota Fundo de Combate à Pobreza field, enter the ICMS FCP rate.

  6. If you issue the Guia Nacional de Recolhimento de Tributos Estaduais (GNRE) tax collection form for the states that adhere to the Portal GNRE, or for Rio de Janeiro, in the Código de Receita field, select the code associated with the revenue subject to ICMS.

  7. If you generate the GNRE tax collection form for the state of Espírito Santo, do the following:

    1. In the Código de Receita field, select the code associated with the revenue subject to ICMS.

    2. In the Código DUA field, select the Documento Único de Arrecadação (DUA) code associated with the operation.

  8. Click Save.

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