Creating Pix Term of Payments (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

To enable the use of Pix instant payments in transactions for Brazil, create at least one condição de pagamento (term of payment) record with Pix as the payment method.

To create a Pix term of payment:

  1. Go to BRHub > Financeiro > Condição de Pagamento > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the term of payment.

    Transaction records display this name when you select a term.

  3. In the Subsidiária field, select one or multiple subsidiaries to associate with the term of payment.

    A term of payment is only displayed in transactions involving its associated subsidiaries.

  4. (Optional) To manually enter the percentage amount assigned to each installment of the term, check the Utilizar Percentual box.

    By default, NetSuite splits the percentages equally between all the installments.

  5. (Optional) To set a fixed day or time period for writing off installments with this term, in the Tipo Fechamento field, select the time window.

  6. In the Percentual Juros ao Dia field, enter the daily interest rate to apply to late payments.

  7. In the Percentual Multa por Atraso field, enter the fine to apply to late payments.

  8. (Optional) If you want the installments to be due only on business days, check the Contagem dos Prazos em Dias Úteis? box.

  9. (Optional) If you want the installments to be due on any day but Saturdays, check the Desconsiderar Vencimento no Sábado? box.

  10. (Optional) If you want the installments to be due on any day but Sundays, check the Desconsiderar Vencimento no Domingo? box.

  11. In the Indicador de Forma de Pagamento field, select the type of payment.

    Electronic invoices generated from transactions that use this term of payment display this information.

  12. In the Forma de Pagamento field, select 17 – Pagamento Instantâneo (PIX).

  13. If you want to split the withheld taxes amount between all the installments created with this term, check the Diluir Impostos Retidos box.

    If this box is clear, the withheld taxes amount is deducted entirely from the first installment. This option applies to the following withheld taxes calculated in the transaction: PIS, CSLL, COFINS, INSS PF, INSS PJ, IRRF PF, IRRF IMP, IRRF PJ, and ISS.

  14. Click Save.

  15. Create the due dates for the term of payment.

    For more information, see Creating a Condição de Pagamento Prazos Record (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

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