Integrating Employees’ Base Pay Information with Payroll

When both the Payroll and the Compensation Tracking features are enabled, compensation integration options appear on the Set Up Payroll (Setup > Payroll > Set Up Payroll) page. With these options, you can synchronize employees’ base pay information with SuitePeople U.S. Payroll. After you update an employee’s salary or wage on the Compensation Tracking Subtab of the employee record, the base wage type and amount are copied to the Payroll subtab.

To use Payroll with Compensation Tracking, make sure you do the following:


The primary payroll item must have a rate (not a multiplier), cannot be derived from another payroll item, and must have an item type of either Earning:Salary or Earning:Wage.

To integrate employees’ base pay information with Payroll:

  1. Go to Setup > Payroll > Set Up Payroll.

  2. On the Compensation Integration subtab, check the Copy Compensation Tracking Data to Payroll box.

  3. In the Default Salary Payroll Item list, select a default salary payroll item.

  4. In the Default Wage Payroll Item list, select a default wage payroll item.

  5. Click Save.

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