Configuration Options

The correct configuration procedure depends on the version of SuiteCommerce Advanced you are implementing.

To configure a Product List as Save for Later:

  1. Select the domain to configure at Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. In the SuiteCommerce Configuration record, go to the Shopping tab and the Wishlist subtab.

  3. To create a list as Save for Later, enter 2 for the Type ID. Set the remaining fields as desired. For more information, see List Templates.

By default, a Save for Later template is defined within the product_lists object in the backend configuration file.

To configure a Product List as Save for Later (pre-Vinson):

  1. Create a custom module that includes the backend Configuration object as a dependency.


    Do not edit the original Configuration.js source file. See Develop Your SCA Customization for information and best practices on customizing JavaScript.

  2. Modify the description and name parameters as desired.

    The Type ID must be set to 2 for the list to function as a Save for Later list.

       templateid: '2'
    ,   name: 'Saved for Later'
    ,   description: 'This is for the cart saved for later items'
    ,   scope: {
          id: '2'
       ,   name: 'private'
    ,   type: {
          id: '2'
       ,   name: 'later'
  3. Save and deploy to your site.

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