Assigning the Value Management Access Permission

Use this procedure to grant a role permission to work with a custom segment’s values.


A role does not require the Custom Segments setup permission to be able to change segment values.

To assign the Value Management Access permission:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Custom Segments.

  2. Locate the segment for which you want to grant access, and click Edit.

  3. Click the Permissions subtab.

  4. For a role to have access, the role must be referenced in the Permissions sublist. Review the sublist to see if the role is already listed, then do one of the following:

    • If the role is not listed, add a line to the sublist: In the Role column, select the appropriate role. In the Value Management Access Level column, select the required access level. Review the values for this role in the columns labeled Record Access Level and Search/Reporting Access Level. Make any changes as needed. Then click Add. For details on the Record Access and Search/Reporting Access permissions, see User Permissions for a Custom Segment.

    • If the role is already listed but does not have the ability to manage values, then edit the role’s access. Locate the role in the sublist. Edit the corresponding value in the Value Management Access Level column. Then click OK.

  5. Click Save.


You can also set the Value Management Access Level by editing the role. On the role record, go to the Permissions > Custom Record subtab. The names of all custom segments are displayed in the Record column.

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