FAQ: Warranty and Repair Management

See the questions and answers below for information on the Warranty and Repair Management SuiteApp.

How can I install the SuiteApp and test its functionality?

The Warranty and Repair Bundle (ID=51007) should now be readily available for installation to all Customers who purchase the Advanced Inventory Module. For more information on how to get the Advanced Inventory Module, customers may contact their account manager.

Does the feature cover all types of items?

The current version of the SuiteApp only supports Inventory and Assembly Items.

Is it possible to process partial return and repair for the same item within the same sales transaction?

Partial return and repairs for the same item within the same sales transaction is not supported by the current version of the SuiteApp.

It is possible to process partial returns and repairs for the same item only in terms of quantity. If, for example, an invoice lists 10 units of an item, the system will be able to process a claim for 5 of the items in the invoice. Partial returns for items that are sold as part of a whole or a set are not allowed. If, for example, a computer is listed in the invoice, the system will not be able to process a warranty claim for the monitor.

Does the SuiteApp support CSV imports of the Warranty Registration Record?

The current version of the SuiteApp does not support CSV imports of Warranty Registration Record.

For repairs processing, does the system restrict users to only restock quantity?

The current version of the SuiteApp does not have a validation for this type of process. This is a work-in-progress.

Is it possible to process repairs for regular inventory items?

The system can process repairs only for assembly items.

Is it possible to re-code or modify the SuiteApp for Warranty and Repairs?

Modification of the SuiteApp is not made available to users. Any updates or modifications to the application may only be done by NetSuite.

Is it possible to incorporate the process of sending a ‘loaner item’ to the customer until the repair of the item is completed?

The current version of the SuiteApp does not support this process.

If the company requires additional payment for the warranty, how do we account for this on the sales order?

You can create a separate line item for the purchase of a warranty on the sales order form.

Why is the Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management feature required?

The feature is required to process lot-numbered or serialized inventory and assembly items.

What are some best practices that need to be considered when processing Warranty Claims?

  • A different location should be used when processing the return of items.

  • The item price in the Replacement Sales Order form should be set to zero.

General Notices