NetSuite Connector Settings for SuiteTax Support

This section contains the settings and preferences that you need to configure to set up SuiteTax for NetSuite Connector.

NetSuite Connector Web Service Role

If you are migrating to SuiteTax from Legacy Tax, you need to add the full Lists > Tax Details Tab permission to the NetSuite Connector Web Service role. For more information, see Setting Permissions.

The NetSuite Connector Web Service role has this permission by default if the NetSuite Connector SuiteApp is installed on NetSuite that already has SuiteTax enabled. You only need to manually add the permission if you were using NetSuite Connector on NetSuite with Legacy Tax then migrated to SuiteTax.

Configuring Nexus Preferences

When using SuiteTax with NetSuite Connector, configure your nexus preferences accordingly:


If you are migrating from Legacy Tax to SuiteTax, ensure that the Tax Agency of your Nexuses are switched to the appropriate Tax Agency. New tax agencies are created after SuiteTax is enabled and installed. For example, Texas is Tax Agency TX in Legacy Tax and Texas Department of Revenue in SuiteTax.

To configure nexus preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax > Nexuses.

  2. Click Edit on the nexus you want to configure.

  3. In the Nexus Preferences subtab:

    1. Clear the Disallow Invalid Entity Tax Registration Number box.

    2. From the Tax Rounding Method list, select Round Off.

    3. Check the Calculate Tax Before Discount Is Applied box.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for other nexuses.

Configuring Line-Item Taxes in NetSuite and NetSuite Connector

When using SuiteTax line-item taxes are enabled by default in NetSuite. You need to ensure that line-item taxes are properly configured in NetSuite, NetSuite Connector, and in the NetSuite Connector SuiteApp.

To enable line-item taxes in NetSuite Connector:

  1. Log in to

  2. Go to NetSuite > Settings > General.

  3. Check the Line-Item Taxes Are Enabled In Your NetSuite box.

  4. Click Save.

To enable line-item taxes in NetSuite Connector SuiteApp:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Connector > Configuration > Setup.

  2. Check the Match line-item tax rates with tax rates created from transaction (beta) box.

  3. Click Submit.

To enable per line taxes on transactions in NetSuite:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Setup > Accounting > Set Up Taxes.

  2. Select the relevant nexus.

  3. Check the Per Line Taxes on Transactions box.

  4. Click Save.

Setting Up Shipping

To set up the shipping method for SuiteTax, you should use a shipping item with specific preferences for NetSuite Connector. Then, configure this shipping item as the default shipping method with Charge For Shipping preference enabled in your NetSuite Set Up Shipping page.

The following procedures contain instructions about creating a new shipping item and setting up the shipping method. If you choose to edit an existing shipping item instead, ensure that the preferences and shipping setup are correct.

Creating a New Shipping Item

Use the following procedure to create a new shipping item for NetSuite Connector.

To create a new shipping item:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items > New.

  2. In the Ship Name field, enter NSC_SHIPPING_ITEM.

  3. In the Display Name/Code field, enter NSC_SHIPPING_ITEM.

  4. Clear the Display in Website box.

  5. In the Shipping Rate subtab:

    1. From the Account (Shipping) list, select Fees.

    2. In the Flat Rate field, enter 0.

  6. Click Save.

Adding Shipment Method Field to Transaction Forms

By default, the Shipment Method field is not shown on transaction forms. You should manually add the Shipment Method field to your invoice or cash sale transaction forms.

To add the Shipment Method field:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

  2. Click Edit on the transaction form that you want to edit.

  3. Click the Screen Fields subtab.

  4. Click the Shipping subtab.

  5. Check the Show box for the Shipping Method field.

  6. Click Save.

Script Execution Order

When using SuiteTax with NetSuite Connector, you need to run the SuiteTax Engine (STE) User Event (UE) Script. The STE UE Transaction Script should run before the NetSuite Connector scripts.

For more information, see User Event Scripts in NetSuite Connector.

General Notices