Obtaining Production Credentials

After completing the compliance check, you can obtain production credentials.

To obtain production credentials:

  1. Open the Saudi Arabia E-Invoicing Configuration record.

  2. Click Next.

    The Production Binary Security Token and Production Secret are received and saved in the Production Binary Security Token and Production Secret fields on the Saudi Arabia E-Invoicing Configuration record.

  3. Copy the Production Binary Security Token into a text file named proddigCert.txt.

  4. Run the following command to extract the issuer name from the Production Binary Security Token.

                    openssl x509 -in proddigCert.txt -noout -issuer 
  5. Copy the output following "issuer=" into the Production Issuer Name field in the Saudi Arabia E-Invoicing Configuration record.

  6. Run the following command to extract the Production Serial Number.

                    openssl x509 -in proddigCert.txt -noout -serial 
  7. Copy the output following "serial=" into the Production Serial Number field in the Saudi Arabia E-Invoicing Configuration record.

  8. Run the following command to extract the Production Public Key.

                    openssl x509 -in proddigCert.txt -noout -pubkey 
  9. Copy the output into the Production Public Key field in the Saudi Arabia E-Invoicing Configuration record.

  10. Run the following command to extract the ECDSA signature of the Production Binary Security Token.

                    openssl x509 -text -in proddigCert.txt -noout 
  11. Copy the ECDSA signature, which includes the alphanumeric characters following "Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256," into the Production Binary Security Token field in the Saudi Arabia E-Invoicing Configuration record.

  12. Click Save.

A confirmation message appears stating that you have completed all four steps of the set up.

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