Resolving Possible Error Scenarios for SAF-T for Shipping XML Files Upload

This section refers to resolving the failure to upload the SAF-T for Shipping XML files because of the attempt to upload files in a different format or uploading files with missing or invalid information.

Resolving Failed File Upload due to Incorrect File Format

When uploading your SAF-T for Shipping file, you chose an incorrect file format. The only accepted file format is XML.


To resolve this error, retry your upload with a correct file format.

Resolving Failed File Upload due to Structural Errors in the File

When uploading your SAF-T for Shipping file, the upload failed due to an attempt to upload files that are invalid or do not follow standard schema. This includes files with missing information, or files containing structural errors.


To resolve this error, notify the provider of your XML files, and make sure the files you obtained are correct.

General Notices