Viewing and Editing Employee Details

When you select an employee to view, their personal details page appears.

On an employee's personal page, you will be able to update their personal details.

To update their details, click Edit.

To save the changes after you have edited them, click Save or Save & Close.

If you make a mistake you can click on Cancel to avoid saving.

Staff details

Personal Details

Personal details are a necessary step when setting up employees in WFM. When employees are imported from NetSuite, this information is included by default.

Staff Details - Personal

Emergency Contacts

In case of an emergency, it is always important to have information of a relative/associate of the employee) involved.

Basic contact details are required, such as their name, mobile number, relationship to the employee, and their address.

Staff Details - Emergency Contacts

Profile Photo

Including a photo of the employee can be a useful feature to help distinguish the visual difference between employees. This is particularly important if you are using the Visual Verification functionality, as it will allow you to compare the employee’s punch photo with their profile photo. The employee's photo is shared between the Workforce Management browser and the Phone App. An employee can update their profile picture in either the browser or the phone app, and that picture is automatically synced to the other application.

Managers can also upload a photo for the employee. Click Browse, select an image, and click Save.

Staff Details - Profile Photo

The employee profile photo will appear on:

  • the Daily/ Weekly/ Multi-Location Schedule views

  • Employee selection list on shift creation, reassign and fill shift

  • Employee list

  • Phone App

  • Employee profile

General Notices