Visual verification

Company will need to have the “Enable Visual Verification” package added to their Account.

In the Weekly View, Visual Verification can be accessed by clicking on the Actions button and going to the bottom of the list.

In the Multi-Location View, Visual Verification can be accessed by clicking the Verification button on the top bar.

Visual verification

Once you click the Visual Verification button, a dialogue box will appear. Here, by default, you will see the list of all of the people with unverified punch photos. Visual Verification shows a photo per punch event and all must be verified.


When completing Visual Verification, you are looking for the exceptions (ie: the people that do not match their photo or have a bad uniform.)

On each photo, there are three action icons:

  1. Smiley Face: confirm the employee’s name punching in matches the photo. You will then be able to approve or edit/approve the timesheet as usual.


    You do not have to click this for each photo. See below for how to bulk verify those that match their photos.

  2. Not Them: click this if the employee’s name punching in does not match the photo. This will not allow you to approve the timesheet, so you do not pay an employee for work they did not do.

  3. Bad Uniform: the employee’s name matches the punch, however, they have a bad uniform/ do not meet uniform requirements. This will add a note to the timesheet and allow you to approve or edit/approve the timesheet.


Once you have gone through and clicked the corresponding buttons on the exceptions (those that do not match their photo or have a bad uniform), you can then click the green Verify Visible button at the bottom of the box. Any photos with no actions on them will be marked with the Smiley Face and verified.

Once verification is complete, you can change the filtering in the dialogue box from “Unverified” to “All” to review the photos that have been verified. If you need to make a change, you can do so from this view. In this filtering, you can also choose “In Progress” to only view those employees that have Shifts that are still in progress.

To ensure accuracy of punches and to get the most out of insights in Workforce Management, it is recommended that Visual Verification and approvals are completed daily.

Tips and tricks

  • If Visual Verification is enabled, you will not see the “thumbs up” on the Timesheet to approve until Visual Verification is complete. If you try and click the pencil icon to edit to approve, you will receive a message that there are unchecked punch photos, and you will not be able to approve.

  • To open the Visual Verification dialogue box to a specific employee, you can click on that employee’s Timesheet and under the Visual Verification section, click Edit.

  • If an employee has more than 4 unverified photos, you will see a Next icon at the bottom of that employee’s photos to tab to the next page of their punch photos.

  • You can search for a specific employee’s punch photos in the search box at the top of the dialogue box.

  • If an employee does not have a profile picture set in Workforce Management, you can click on one of their Punch Photos in the Visual Verification dialogue box and set that as their profile picture. This will allow you to see their photo in the Verification view for easier identification and comparison. You will then also see their photo in the Employee List and the scheduling views.

Using AutoMatch + Visual Verification

If Visual Verification is enabled on your account, you will need to ensure that:

You enable the “only punches with verified visual verification” option in location settings. Otherwise, if this is not done, automatch will still work regardless of if visual verification has been completed or not.

Once this setting is enabled on the location configuration, all verification will need to be complete prior to clicking Automatch. If you click Automatch and Verification is not complete, the Visual Verification dialogue box will pop up, prompting you to finish Verification. Once you complete the Visual Verification steps (Mark any exceptions then Verify Visible) you will then be able to click the Automatch button to move forward with approvals.

General Notices