SuitePeople Time Clock Setup and Troubleshooting

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To set up SuitePeople Time Clock:

  1. Go to Setup > SuitePeople Time Clock and click +New Device.

  2. Name the device, select the operating system and choose which locations will be allowed to clock in on this device. Click Save. This will generate an activation code for this device.

  3. Open the SuitePeople Time Clock app on your device.

  4. Enter your email in the Username field.

  5. Enter the unique activation code in the Password field.

  6. Click Register.

Once activated, employees that are available at the locations registered with the device can start clocking in and clocking out.

Employee PIN Codes

You can find employee PIN codes on the employee list page under Setup > Employees > List.

Users with the manager role level or higher can change employees' PIN codes, but employees cannot change their own PIN codes.

You can change an employee's PIN by going to their Details tab on their employee profile in Workforce Management.

For more information about PIN codes, see SuitePeople Time Clock PIN Codes.

Activating a Device


AdiClock is now referred to as SuitePeople Time Clock.

In the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, SuitePeople Time Clock is called NetSuite Time Clock.

In Windows, the app is targeted to be renamed SuitePeople Time Clock in June 2024.

To activate a device with SuitePeople Time Clock, go to the iOS App Store on iOS devices or the Google Play store on Android devices. Search for NetSuite Time Clock and download the app.

NetSuite Time Clock requires the following Android system requirements:

  • Minimum Android version 10.0

  • GPS

  • Front-facing and rear-facing cameras

SuitePeople Time Clock requires the following iOS system requirements:

  • Minimum iOS version 13

When you open the app for the first time, you must enter a username and password.

  1. In the Username field, enter your email address.

  2. In the Password field, enter your activation code.

  3. Select Register.

When you successfully activate the device, the clock-in page will appear.

For information about activation codes, see Generating an Activation Code.

SuitePeople Time Clock Troubleshooting

Before you troubleshoot any issues, ensure that SuitePeople Time Clock is using the latest version.

To check the current version of SuitePeople Time Clock, open the app and check the bottom of the screen.

To check the latest version of SuitePeople Time Clock on Android, open the Google Play store and search for NetSuite Time Clock. It is available under the Read More section in the app's description.

To check if there's a new update for SuitePeople Time Clock on Android devices, click the Update button in the app.

To check the latest available version of SuitePeople Time Clock on iOS, open the iOS App Store and search for NetSuite Time Clock. It is available under the What's New section in the app's description.

To check if there's a new update for SuitePeople Time Clock on iOS devices, click the Update button in the app.

If employees cannot clock in immediately after the device's activation:

  1. Check that the device has Internet connection.

  2. Ensure that the device is online. There is no label to indicate that the device is offline.

  3. Update the device name in Workforce Management and wait for the change to flow through. To do so, log into Workforce Management and go to Setup > Time Clock and select the desired device.

  4. Check that the device is running the latest version of the app (this will be displayed at the bottom of the app).

  5. Quit the app and reopen it.

  6. Check if the required locations are set to be available on the device. To check if the required locations are available, go to Setup > Time Clock and select the desired device.

  7. Check if the employee can work at the location and has a PIN set. To check if the PIN is set for an employee, log into Workforce Management and head to Setup > Employees > List > Select the desired employee. Check their Locations tab and their PIN under their Details tab.

To help employees clock into SuitePeople Time Clock:

  1. Check if SuitePeople Time Clock is offline.

  2. Check if the employee's PIN was recently updated. Turning the device online again will update any PINs that were recently changed.

  3. Repeat the steps in the procedure above.

To see timesheets in the Weekly View:

  1. Check that the device is connected to the Internet.

  2. When the device is connected to the Internet, it will upload any timesheets that have not appeared in the weekly view.

To help employees clock in if the device registered them as clocked in already:

  1. Verify if the employee is clocked in. On the main screen, the IN tab on the top left corner shows all currently clocked in shifts and how long the employee has been clocked in for.

  2. Verify if the employee clocked out from their previous shift.

  3. Verify if the employee accidentally clocked in with another employee's PIN.

  4. Verify if the employee can clock out. If they cannot clock out, verify if a manager can clock out the employee for them.

For information about troubleshooting a blank screen, see Troubleshooting a blank screen in SuitePeople Time Clock for Android.

Troubleshooting a blank screen in SuitePeople Time Clock for Android

To troubleshoot a blank screen in SuitePeople Time Clock for Android, you can fully close the app, or clear the app's data.


AdiClock is now referred to as SuitePeople Time Clock.

In the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, SuitePeople Time Clock is called NetSuite Time Clock.

In Windows, the app is targeted to be renamed SuitePeople Time Clock in June 2024.

To fully close the app:

  1. On your Android device, swipe up from the bottom and let go. This automatically closes the app.

  2. Open Time Clock. If the white screen is still present, follow the instructions below to clear the app's data.

To clear app data:

  1. On your device's home screen, press and hold the app.

  2. Select App info.

  3. Select Storage.

  4. Select Clear data.

For more information about troubleshooting SuitePeople Time Clock, see SuitePeople Time Clock Troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting incorrect time in SuitePeople Time Clock

SuitePeople Time Clock syncs with the server to display the correct time. If the system clock is changed, it will always show the correct time.

If SuitePeople Time Clock displays an incorrect time but your system time is correct, check your device's time and date settings. On iOS devices, ensure the Set automatically feature is on. Alternatively, ensure the correct time zone is set on the device. If you have set a different time zone in SuitePeople Time Clock but your device's time is different, there will be a discrepancy.

This will also affect the final timesheet.

For more information on troubleshooting SuitePeople Time Clock, see SuitePeople Time Clock Troubleshooting.

Breaks for SuitePeople Time Clock

After an employee clocks in, they will be presented with several options.

An employee can select Rest to start their paid rest break. This punches an employee into a break event for which they are paid.

If an employee takes their unpaid break, they should select Start Break instead of Rest.

Employees can only take one unpaid break but can take multiple paid rest breaks. After an employee takes one unpaid break, Start Break will be unavailable.

If you have the Rest Breaks (Paid) feature enabled and an employee has not punched for a paid rest break during their shift, SuitePeople Time Clock will display a message that asks the employee if they have taken a paid rest break.

When an employee answers Yes or No, it will change the message that appears on their timesheet shift in the Weekly view.

If the employee chooses No, the message on their timesheet shift will say: “employee has indicated they did not take a Rest Break”.

General Notices