XAF Header and Company Information

The <header> element includes information about the scope of the report and the software used to generate the report.

Tag Name

Source Information


The accounting period based on the selected dates in the Start Period and End Period fields on the Country Tax Report page.


Date selected in the Start Period (custpage_start_period) field on the Country Tax Report page.


Date selected in the End Period (custpage_end_period) field on the Country Tax Report page.


ISO code of the currency selected in the Currency field on the subsidiary record. To view a subsidiary record, go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries.


Date in the Generated On column on the Country Tax Report page.


Displays NetSuite.


Displays the current NetSuite version, for example, 2022.2.

The <company> element includes information about your company such as tax registration and address. Most of the information is sourced from the subsidiary record. To view a subsidiary record, go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries.

Tag Name

Source Information


Entry in the Company Registration Number(custrecord_emea_company_reg_num) field on the subsidiary record.


Entry in the Legal Name (legalname) field on the subsidiary record. If empty, entry in the Name (name) field is used.


ISO code of the country selected in the Nexus (custpage_nexus) field on the Country Tax Reports page.


If your NetSuite account is using SuiteTax, the data is sourced from the entry in the Tax Reg. Number column on the Tax Registrations subtab on the subsidiary record.

If your NetSuite account is not using SuiteTax, the data is sourced from the VAT Registration No. (federalidnumber) field on the subsidiary record.


If the entry contains characters that are not allowed, the SuiteApp automatically omits these characters in the XML.

The <streetAddress> and <postalAddress> elements include your company’s address information. The data in the <streetAddress> element are sourced from the Address(mainaddress_text) field on the Addresses subtab of the subsidiary record.

The data included in the <postalAddress> element is sourced from the Shipping Address (shippingaddress_text) field. If this field is empty, the <postalAddress> element derives its data from the Address field.

Field Sources for Entity Addresses

The information included in the <streetAddress> and <postalAddress> elements under the company, customer, and vendor information in the XAF report are sourced from the following fields:

Tag Name

Source Information


Entry in the Address 1 (addr1) field.


Entry in the Address 2 (addr2) field.


Entry in the City (city) field.


Entry in the Zip (zip) field.


Entry in the Country (country) field.

Related Topics:

General Notices