Additional Fields for Spain VAT Register Information

To comply with data requirements specified by AEAT (Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria) or the Spanish Tax Agency, you must provide the following information in your transactions:

Customer and Vendor Details

To generate Spain audit files with correct customer and vendor details, ensure to perform the following actions:

Transaction Details

Ensure that you complete the details required by AEAT in your transaction records. For information about which fields require completion for the special scheme that applies to your transactions, refer to the information indicated in the AEAT website.

Depending on the special scheme code you select for your transactions, one or more of the following fields may require information.

On supported sales and purchase transaction records, enter the following additional information under the Spain SII Reporting subtab:

On supported sales and purchase transaction records, enter the following additional information under the Primary Information field group:

On supported payable and bank transaction records, enter the following additional information in the Expenses & Items subtab:


Transactions include vendor bills, cheques, and credit card charges that are reported in Invoices Received with CG-ES, IG-ES, and EIG-ES tax codes.


Ensure that you enter values in the Service Date and Annual Prorate fields before you generate and send the Register of Investment Goods report to AEAT. If you submit the XML file with these fields blank, you will receive an error notification from the tax agency.

General Notices