The field under the group is invalid

The <field_name> field under the <group_name> group is invalid. Replace it with any of the following fields: <field A>, <field B>, ...

Cause: There is an invalid field name in the SDF custom object

  • Solution

    Verify the correct spelling of the field name. Update all field name instances with the correct spelling in the form object, then validate again.

Cause: The field sequence is not in the correct order

Unlike other SDF custom object types, form fields must follow the order as exported from the account.

  • Solution #1

    Re-import the form into your SuiteCloud project to determine the correct field order.

  • Solution #2

    If you recently changed the field sequence in your recent edits, revert your changes to determine the correct field order.

Related Topics

entryForm and transactionForm Errors
The object value is either invalid or does not exist in the account
The property value of the object cannot be modified
The sameRowAsPrevious field must be set to false because it is the first entry
The object field must not be NOT_YET_SUPPORTED

General Notices