Create a Template File

A template file is necessary to render the data defined by the view.

To create a template:

  1. In your CCT module’s Templates directory, create a new .tpl file.

  2. Name this file to intuitively relate to your module as a template.

    For example:


  3. Create the HTML required to render the data defined by the view.

    For the example ImageViewer CCT, your template might look similar to:

                    <div class="sc-cct-imageviewer">
       <div class="sc-cct-imageviewer-slider-container">
          <div class="sc-cct-imageviewer-image-slider">
             <ul data-sc-cct-imageviewer class="sc-cct-imageviewer-image-slider-list">
                      <div class="sc-cct-imageviewer-slide-main-container">
                         {{#if hasImage}}
                            <img src="{{resizeImage imageUrl 'main'}}" alt="{{imageAlt}}" />
                         {{#if hasText}}
                            <div class="sc-cct-imageviewer-slide-caption sc-cct-imageviewer-slide-caption-{{valign}}">
                               {{#each texts}}
                                  <h2 class="sc-cct-imageviewer-slide-caption-title">{{this}}</h2>
  4. Save the template.

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