

The content in this help topic pertains to SuiteScript 2.0.

Object Description

One page of the paged query results.

Supported Script Types

Client and server scripts

For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.


N/query Module

Methods and Properties

Page Object Members





The following code sample shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.

            // Add additional code
var myCustomerQuery = query.create({ type: query.Type.CUSTOMER
}); myCustomerQuery.columns = [ myCustomerQuery.createColumn({ fieldId: 'entityid' }), myCustomerQuery.createColumn({ fieldId: 'firstname' }), myCustomerQuery.createColumn({ fieldId: 'email' })
]; var myPagedResults = myCustomerQuery.runPaged({ pageSize: 10
}); // Fetch results using an iterator
var iterator = myPagedResults.iterator();
iterator.each(function(resultPage) { var currentPage = resultPage.value; log.debug(currentPage.pageRange.size); return true;
}); // Alternatively, fetch results using a loop
for (var i = 0; i < myPagedResults.pageRanges.length; i++) { var currentPage = myPagedResults.fetch(i); log.debug(currentPage.pageRange.size);
// Add additional code 


Related Topics

N/query Module
SuiteScript 2.x Modules
SuiteScript 2.x

General Notices