Deprecating a SuiteApp Version

You can deprecate a released version when it is no longer needed. Reasons for deprecating a version might be to prevent users from installing the SuiteApp until a defect can be fixed, or ending the lifecycle of the SuiteApp.

Deprecated versions are removed from the SuiteApp Marketplace, and the SuiteApp is no longer available for users to install until a new version is released. Users who have the SuiteApp installed remain with that version until they uninstall the SuiteApp or when a new version replaces the current one.

To deprecate a version:

  1. Go to Control Center > My SuiteApps > My SuiteApps.

  2. Perform one of the following actions:

    • For a SuiteApp, click SCC ellipsis button and select Manage Versions.

    • Click the SuiteApp name to view the SuiteApp details, and click the Versions tab.

  3. Identify the SuiteApp version by its version number in the Version History list. From the Action column, click Deprecate.

    To confirm deprecating the version, click Deprecate. The version is moved to the Deprecated state and is no longer available on the SuiteApp Marketplace.

  4. (Optional) Click Done to close the SuiteApp details and return to the My SuiteApps page.

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General Notices