Types of NetSuite Sessions

There are various types of NetSuite sessions. Each type of session is managed independently from the others.

Type of Session

Timeout Values


User Interface (UI)

  • Idle session timeout: default is 180 minutes

  • Absolute session timeout: 12 hours

See User Interface (UI) Sessions for more information about UI session management and timeout values.

SOAP web services

  • Idle session timeout: 20 minutes

  • Absolute session timeout: 60 minutes

  • Operation session timeout: 15 minutes.

  • Your integrations should use sessionless protocols based on request level credentials, such as Token-based Authentication (TBA). See Token-based Authentication (TBA) for more information. See also Authentication for SOAP Web Services.

  • If your SOAP web services integrations use sessions, you must ensure that your SOAP calls are able to handle session timeouts and reconnection. For more information, see Session Management for SOAP Web Services.

  • If an operation takes more than 15 minutes to complete, consider using asynchronous calls to complete the operation.

SuiteAnalytics Connect

  • Idle session timeout: 90 minutes

After 90 minutes of inactivity, SuiteAnalytics Connect sessions automatically time out. For more information, see Connections.

Web Stores (hosted by NetSuite)

  • Idle session timeout: 20 minutes

After 20 minutes of inactivity in a NetSuite-hosted web store, the user is logged out and becomes an anonymous shopper. There is no automatic relogin to the web store.

However, settings in the NetSuite account (like absolute and idle session timeout) may affect the website timeout value.

For example, if the absolute session timeout value is set to 15 minutes, the website session will end after 15 minutes.

For enhanced security, as of 2020.1, Commerce websites are subject to explicit session invalidation. Explicit session invalidation applies to all SuiteCommerce Advanced, SuiteCommerce, and Site Builder websites.

See Web Store Sessions for more information.

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General Notices