Mexico Context

The Mexico Localization SuiteApp provides Mexico-specific custom fields to comply with tax and other government requirements in Mexico.

In NetSuite OneWorld accounts, Mexico-specific custom fields are available when one of the following conditions is met (the first condition has the highest priority):

  1. The subsidiary country of the record is Mexico.

  2. (If no subsidiary is selected) The subsidiary country of the NetSuite user is Mexico.


When multiple subsidiaries are selected on an entity record, Mexico-specific fields are available if Mexico is the country of at least one of the subsidiaries.

Item Fulfillment

For transfer of goods scenarios in Mexico, you must generate a transfer CFDI (Carta Porte-Traslado) from the Item Fulfillment transaction.

When generating an Item Fulfillment CFDI for a transfer of goods, Mexico-specific custom fields are available if:

  1. The Item Fulfillment is created from a sales order, from a transfer order, or from an intercompany transfer order,

  2. AND the source location of the transfer order or the intercompany transfer order is Mexico.

Bank Information Details

The Bank Information Details subtab appears on creation of an Employee or Vendor if the subsidiary country of the NetSuite User is Mexico.

When editing an Employee or Vendor, the subtab appears when the selected subsidiary on the entity is Mexico. If you change the subsidiary from a non-Mexican to a Mexican subsidiary in the Subsidiary field, you must save the record for the subtab to be available.

To see the list of Mexico Localization custom fields, go to Compliance with Mexico SAT Requirements.

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