Register Page Types and Templates for SMT

When site administrators create a new page in Site Management Tools (SMT), they define it as a specific page type. Site administrators can assign the Landing Page page type or any new page type, if registered using a SuiteCommerce extension.

As the extension developer, you use the Extensibility API to register new page types for this purpose. You can also register templates to either be the default layout for your new page type or as an alternative layout option for any new or pre-existing page type. When your extension is installed and activated, these page types and templates appear as selectable options when creating new pages or enhancing existing pages in SMT.


This topic is one step of a larger process, as explained in Create Page Types.

For example, you create a new blog extension. Within the extension, you register a new Blog page type with a default template (layout). You also register two different templates as alternatives for your blog page type. Later, after installing and activating your extension, Blog is now available as a page type when creating pages in SMT. After creating a new blog page, site administrators can keep the default layout registered for that page, or they can choose from one of the two predefined alternative layouts.

This tutorial explains how to:



Create a View to Render a Registered Page Type

This topic explains a few important details about any view required to render your new page type.

Register a Page Type

This topic explains how to access the Extensibility API to register a page type and declare a default template.

Register a Template

This topic explains how to access the Extensibility API to register a template and make it available as an alternative layout for one or more page types.

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