Using the REST Web Services Execution Log

Each integration record includes a subtab labeled REST Web Services, under the Execution Log subtab. This log lists REST web services requests that are uniquely identified with the integration record you are currently viewing. That is, the log includes those requests that referenced the integration record’s consumer key.

The execution log includes information about all requests and responses.

To see the execution log for a REST web services integration:

  1. Go to Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations.

  2. Select an integration record from the list.

  3. On the Execution Log subtab, select REST Web Services.

For each request, the log includes the following details:


The requests and responses logged in the execution log contain the values of sensitive fields in masked out format. For information about using encrypted format on custom fields, see Encrypted Custom Field Stored Values.

An example of the contents of the REST Web Services Execution Log.

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