Configure Facet Fields

After you select the facet fields, the navigational area on your website automatically displays the facet. Configuring facet field properties is not required; however, facets may not display as you intend by default. For example, you define a custom field, custitem40 as a facet field in the web site record. A line item for that field should be added under the Facets subtab on the SuiteCommerce Configuration record and configured so that the facet is not displayed as custitem40 in the web store.

Note the following when configuring facets:

Follow the correct configuration procedures, depending on the version of SuiteCommerce Advanced you are implementing. For information about configurable properties, regardless of your implementation, see the following sections:

To configure the facet fields:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select the site that you want to configure from the Select Website list.

  3. Select the specific domain that you want to configure from the Select Domain list.

  4. Click Configure.

  5. On the SuiteCommerce Configuration record page, click the Shopping Catalog tab.

  6. Click the Facets subtab and configure your facet options as required.

  7. Click Save to save the Configuration record.

For example, you want to configure the color facet field to display on your website in the following ways:

Your customized Facets entry might look like this:

Customized Facet Entries example.

Your resulting facet will display on your website like this:

Facet Colors

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