Onboarding and Offboarding Plans Overview

The Onboarding/Offboarding Plans SuiteApp is a comprehensive tool for managing employee career movements in an organization. HR professionals can use it to create employee plans, use premade plan templates or create their own templates. They can also use it to receive notifications related to an employee onboarding or offboarding.

Features and Benefits

With Onboarding/Offboarding Plans, you can:

  • Save time by creating employee plan templates that you can reuse for different scenarios.

  • Promote a positive onboarding and first-day experience for newly hired employees by linking tasks to points of contact.

  • Ensure proper transfer and graceful transition for exiting employees by linking tasks to points of contact.

  • Provide a designated list for any employee who are in the process of entering or exiting the organization.

  • Keep track of the status of tasks that are required to comply with legal standards, such as the completion of government forms.

  • Identify common roadblocks when completing tasks to help refine future employee career changes.

Plan Types and Templates

Onboarding/Offboarding Plans lets you create plans appropriate to an employee career movement. You can select from different plan types depending on the purpose of the plan. Each plan type includes a premade template that populates with tasks suitable for the change.

The following table shows the available plan types and the purpose and template assigned to each.

Plan Type




Use this to organize the tasks of newly hired employees and transferred employees and help them start their new jobs.

Onboarding Plan Template


Use this to organize the tasks of exiting employees and ensure complete transfer.

Offboarding Plan Template


As an HR professional, use the following standard roles to view, create, and edit plans for employees in the organization:

  • Administrator

  • Chief People Officer

  • Human Resources Generalist

To allow a custom role to use Onboarding/Offboarding Plans, see Granting Onboarding/Offboarding Permissions for Custom Roles.

When you create a plan for an employee, you can assign a Coordinator to manage the plan and Assignees to perform the tasks.

SuiteApp Role

NetSuite Role Requirement



Chief People Officer

Human Resource Generalist

Custom roles with permissions

This role lets an employee view, edit, track, or delete the plan of another employee.


Any NetSuite role

This role lets an employee view and update the status of tasks assigned to them.

If you use any of the standard roles and access a plan that is created for you, you automatically assume an Assignee role. You can only view, update, and add notes to tasks that are assigned to you. You can view the complete list of tasks only of other employee plans.

For more information about the SuiteApp, see the following:

To install and set up the SuiteApp as an Administrator, see Setting Up Onboarding and Offboarding Plans.

To learn how to use the SuiteApp for your specific business need, see Getting Started With Onboarding and Offboarding Plans.

To get detailed information about the tasks you can do with the SuiteApp, see Working With Onboarding and Offboarding Plans.

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General Notices