Working With Updates

HR professionals or employees with access to the SuiteApp can receive notifications about the progress of an employee through any of the following:

Tracking Dashboard Reminders

You can set up reminders for incoming onboarding tasks by using the reminders portlet. You need to be assigned to a task for the reminders to appear on the portlet.

To set up reminders, see Updates Preferences. You can track the following reminders from the dashboard:

  • Onboarding Tasks

  • Offboarding Tasks

To update task statuses, see Updating the Status of Tasks.

Receiving Email Notifications

The SuiteApp sends email notifications to the following users defined on the plan:

  • Employee

  • Coordinator

  • Assignee


Email notifications sent to the employees and assignees are sent by using the email address of the coordinator. Coordinators must verify that they have an email address on their record, so that the SuiteApp can use it to send email notifications.

The SuiteApp sends an email notification after an employee updates and clicks Save on a plan.

The following table shows the events that trigger email notifications for each type of user.

Email Notification Trigger

Employee on the Plan



New tasks were assigned to you



Tasks are no longer assigned to you because of any of the following:

  • You were removed as an assignee

  • Tasks were deleted

  • Plan was deleted




Due dates for your tasks were changed




Daily update of your tasks




Daily update of all tasks related to an employee change



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General Notices