Contra Account Sheet Dashboard Management

How to generate the Contra Account Sheet report:

  1. Go to Reports > Financial > Contra Account Sheet.

  2. In the Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary.

  3. In the Accounts field, select the accounts from the list.


    Subsidiary and Accounts lists contain both active and inactive entries.

  4. If you are using the Multi-Book feature, in the Accounting Book field, select the accounting book.


    The Accounting Book list contains active, inactive, and pending entries. Primary accounting book is selected by default.

  5. In the Date from and Date to fields, select the accounting period. To select a date range instead, click Select range by date.

  6. You can use filters to filter transactions which should appear in the report. (For more information, see Filters.

  7. The report is dynamically generated upon every change. You can click the report lines to inspect the contents.

  8. Click Export to ... to export your report in PDF or CSV format. (The PDF file is useful for presenting to the tax authorities, if necessary.) Once the report is generated, it will be offered for download. The exported report will also be stored in NetSuite File Cabinet. To access it, go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.


    The maximum number of accounts for immediate export is 8. The maximum number of accounts for scheduled export is 100. If the report contains more than 30000 lines, the generating may fail.


The Contra Account Sheet Dashboard contains various optional filters.


Opening and closing balances are calculated from the selected period, subsidiary and account. Using optional filters will not affect balance values.

Optional filters


If you want to search for transactions that only apply to a certain customer, select this customer from the list. This filter only works on transactions containing data about the customer. When either Vendor or Employee filter is used, this filter becomes unavailable.


If you want to search for transactions that only apply to a certain vendor, select this vendor from the list. This filter only works on transactions containing data about the vendor. When either Customer or Employee filter is used, this filter becomes unavailable.


If you want to search for transaction lines that apply only to a certain employee, choose this employee from the list. This filter only works on transactions containing data about the employee. When either Customer or Vendor filter is used, this filter becomes unavailable.


If you want to search for transaction lines that apply only to a certain company location, choose this location from the list.


If you want to search for transaction lines that apply only to a certain department or business area, choose this department from the list.


If you want to search for transaction lines that apply only to a certain class for a type of account, choose this class from the list.


The Department, Class, and Location filters are only available if you have enabled the Departments, Classes, and Locations features, respectively, at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. For more information about these segments, see Classifications Overview.

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General Notices