
          function getAccounts(context)
        var configurationId = context.pluginConfiguration.getConfigurationFieldValue({fieldName: "configuration_id"});
        var configuration = loadConfiguration(configurationId)
            accountMappingKey: "12345",
            displayName: "Checking (XXXX11)",
            accountType: "BANK",
            currency: "USD",
            groupName: "Bank of America",
            lastUpdated: "2020-06-30T01:23:45"


If you want the plug-in to initiate a bank data import retry, make sure isRetryAllowed() is true and then call retry().

          if (context.isRetryAllowed()) {
    context.retry({deltaMinutesLater: 30, currentFailureReason: "Timed out"});


Reasons why you may want to initiate an import retry can include the following:

An import retry is initiated during the import process. retry() causes the current import job to be marked as failed, and then initiates a retry.

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General Notices