Viewing and Revoking OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications

You can see a list view of authorized applications in your account. Users assigned roles with OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications Management permission can also see a list view of all authorized applications in the account.

Viewing OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications

See the following procedure for information about viewing the OAuth 2.0 authorized applications.

To view authorized applications

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications.

    The OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications page appears.

    Users with Log in using OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens permission can only access this page directly from the Settings portlet by clicking the Manage OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications link.


    Users can only list their own OAuth 2.0 authorized applications through the Settings portlet link.

  2. To view the authorized application, click the link in Created column.

Revoking OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications

Revoking an authorized application invalidates all tokens associated with that application. However, the application record is still present in the system and is still accessible for auditing purposes.


The user who authorized the revoked application previously, must give a new consent on a consent screen. This action creates a new authorized application record, with a new pair of tokens.

To revoke a permission for an authorized application, go to OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications page, click the link in Created column and click Revoke. After this action, the system enters values in the Revocation Date field and the Revoked By field.


If the scope is extended in the integration record, the system revokes the authorized application for that record and automatically creates a new one.

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