Purchases Dataset Templates

The following SuiteAnalytics dataset templates are available.

Purchases (Billed) Dataset

This dataset combines fields from the Transaction and Transaction Line record types. It lets you analyze the status of bills received during the last month. It forms the source data for the Purchases (Billed) Workbook.

Key Field Differences

To create a saved search to obtain this information, all the required fields are available through the Transaction record type in the Saved Search application. However, in the SuiteAnalytics Workbook, some required fields are only available through the Transaction Line record type. You must join this record type to your dataset to recreate this search.

The following table lists key differences in fields between the saved search and the dataset:

Field Name in Saved Search

Record Location in SuiteAnalytics Workbook

Join Path in SuiteAnalytics Workbook

Field Name in SuiteAnalytics Workbook









Main Line

Transaction Line

Transaction > Transaction Line

Main Line

Tax Line

Transaction Line

Transaction > Transaction Line

Tax Line


Transaction Line

Transaction > Transaction Line


Dataset Configuration

The Purchases (Billed) dataset combines fields from two record types and multiple criteria filters. To edit the dataset, see Defining a Dataset.

Consider the following information before you edit the dataset:

  • If you use Multi-Book Accounting, you can use the Accounting Book field in a criteria filter to view data for specific accounting books. To access the Accounting Book field, use the join path Transaction > Transaction Line > Transaction Accounting Line.

  • Users assigned to the Sales role do not have access to the Account record type in SuiteAnalytics Workbook, which is required to edit this dataset. If you want users with the Sales role to work with the dataset, give them access to the Account record type.

Root Record Type

Joined Record Type(s)

Custom Formula Field(s)

Data Grid

Criteria Filters


Transaction Line


The following field are included in the dataset.


  • Entity

  • Date

  • Status

  • Total Amount (Transaction Currency)

Transaction Line:

  • Item: Full Name

  • Amount (Transaction Currency)

  • Quantity

The following criteria is used to filter the dataset:

  • Transaction: Type is Bill

  • Transaction: Date is On or after start of the month

  • Transaction Line: Main Line is False

  • Transaction Line: Tax Line is False

  • Transaction Line: Quantity is Not empty

Purchases (Ordered) Dataset

This dataset combines fields from the Transaction and Transaction Line record types. It lets you analyze the status of purchase orders from the last month. It forms the source data for the Purchases (Ordered) Workbook.

Key Field Differences

If you create a saved search to obtain this information, all the required fields are available through the Transaction record in the Saved Search application. However, in the SuiteAnalytics workbook, some required fields are only available through the Transaction Line record. You must join these records to your workbook to recreate this search.

The following table lists key differences in fields between the saved search and the dataset:

Field Name in Saved Search

Record Location in SuiteAnalytics Workbook

Required Join in SuiteAnalytics Workbook

Field Name in SuiteAnalytics Workbook









Main Line

Transaction Line

Transaction > Transaction Line

Main Line

Tax Line

Transaction Line

Transaction > Transaction Line

Tax Line


Transaction Line

Transaction > Transaction Line


Dataset Configuration

The Purchases (Ordered) dataset combines fields from two record types and multiple criteria filters. To edit the dataset, see Defining a Dataset.

Consider the following information before editing the dataset:

  • If you use Multi-Book Accounting, you can use the Accounting Book field in the workbook criteria filter to view data for specific accounting books. To access the Accounting Book field, use the join path Transactions > Transaction Line > Transaction Accounting Line.

  • Users assigned to the Sales role do not have access to the Account record in SuiteAnalytics workbook, which is required to properly edit this workbook. If you want the users with the Sales role to work with the workbook, provide these users with access to the Account record.

Root Record

Joined Record

Custom Formula Field

Data Grid

Criteria Filters

Pivot Tables


Transaction Line


Add the following fields to the grid from the Transaction record:

  • Entity

  • Date

  • Status

  • Total Amount (Transaction Currency)

Add the following fields to the grid from the Joined Transaction Line record:

  • Item: Full Name

  • Amount (Transaction Currency

  • Quantity

  • Transaction: Type — Purchase Order

  • Transaction: Date — On or after start of this month

  • Transaction Line: Main Line — False

  • Transaction Line: Tax Line — False

  • Transaction Line: Quantity — Not empty

The following pivot tables are predefined in the Purchases (Ordered) workbook:

  • Pivot by Item

  • Pivot by Vendor

For information about workbooks and datasets, see the following help topics:

Related Topics

General Notices