Warehouse Inventory: Outbound Dataset

This dataset combines fields from the Transaction record type and a custom formula to display outbound transactions that include sales orders and item fulfillments. It forms the source data for the Warehouse Inventory: Outbound Workbook.

Dataset Configuration

The Warehouse Inventory: Outbound dataset combines fields from one record type, one custom formula and multiple criteria filters. To edit the dataset, see Defining a Dataset.

Root Record Type

Joined Record Type

Custom Formula Fields

Data Grid

Criteria Filters



Days Late

  • FLOOR({actualshipdate} - {shipdate})

The following fields are included in the dataset.


  • Actual Shipping Date

  • Date

  • Document Number/ID

  • Entity

  • Memo

  • Ship Date

  • Status

  • Total Amount (Transaction Currency)

  • Transaction

  • Type

The following criteria is used to filter the dataset:

  • Type any of Sales Order, Item Fulfillment

  • Transaction Line: Item Type none of Shipping Cost Item

  • Transaction Line: Main Line is false

  • Transaction Line: Tax Line is false

Related Topics

General Notices