Employee Bonus History and Current Compensation Dataset

This dataset combines fields from the Employee and Bonus record types. It lets you view a summary of employees’ current base compensation and a history of employees’ bonuses. It forms the source data for the Employee Bonus History and Current Compensation Workbook.

Dataset Configuration

As you work with this workbook template, consider that the Advanced Employee Permissions feature can impact the employee record fields that you have access to. The Advanced Employee Permissions feature does not affect fields on the bonus record. Rather, employee and subsidiary restrictions that are applied to your role can affect your access to bonus record information.

Root Record Type

Joined Record Type

Custom Formula Field

Data Grid

Criteria Filters




The following fields are included in the dataset.


  • Base Wage

  • Base Wage Type

  • Compensation Currency

  • Entity ID


  • Amount

  • Award Date

  • Bonus Type

  • Currency


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