Wholesale Distribution SuiteApps

This release note was updated June 10, 2024.

Following are the 2024.1 wholesale distribution enhancements to SuiteApps:

Updates on Volume Rebates

The Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp version 2.3.0 includes the following enhancements:

  • Ability to Set Any Rebate Tier as Default Tier for Linear Rebate Scheme

    Previously, when you add rebate tiers in the agreement details, the system automatically assigns the tier with the lowest range as the fixed default tier. Transaction with items that qualify for volume rebates reference the tiers when applying the corresponding rebates. Now, you can select any of the available tier ranges as your default tier when you create or edit a rebate agreement detail that uses a linear rebate scheme. Under the Default column of the Rebate Tier section, select Yes next to the tier value that you want to set as a default tier. See Adding Agreement Details.

    You can also set default tiers when importing rebate tier data into NetSuite using CSV. On the CSV file, enter True under the Default column for your preferred default tier level. See Importing Rebate Tiers Using a CSV File.

  • Improved Recalculation Process for Volume Rebates

    When a rebate is applied is applied to an item, the recalculation process now updates the achieved rebate amount for an item based only on the rebate value of the associated rebate agreement. In succeeding transactions where a new tier is reached for the same item, the rebate tier value in the same agreement is applied. Previously, the system compared different agreements to find the best deal for the same items that reach limits in succeeding transactions.

    Additionally, the recalculation process now considers updates on the rebate tier information which can be applied to future transactions. Rebate tier information updates include changes in rebate tier range and rebate tier value. Note that transactions created prior to rebate tier changes and the new recalculation process still use their original rebate values. See Recalculation of Volume Rebates.

For more information, see Rebates and Trade Promotions starting June 11, 2024.

Rebates and Trade Promotions Enhancements

The Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp version 2.2.0 includes the following enhancements:

  • Capability to Import Rebate Agreement, Agreement Details, and Rebate Tiers Through CSV

    You can now import multiple rebate agreements, agreement details, or rebate tiers data into NetSuite through CSV import for each supported record types. You can use the CSV template now included in the SuiteApp for each record type. Each template maps data to the same fields that are in NetSuite.

    Before you import any CSV data, make sure you create a rebate preference record for each rebate type in the Rebate Preferences page.

    For more information, see Adding Rebate Agreement Records Using CSV Import starting March 12, 2024.

  • New Calculate Rebates at Real-time Preference

    The SuiteApp now has a Calculate Rebates at Real-time preference located in Setup > Company > General Preferences, which is checked by default. The preference displays rebates when you enter an item on the transaction line of a sales record. If the preference is not set, rebates are shown only after you save a sales transaction.

    Note that when processing large number of transactions, opting to display rebates in real-time may impact the SuiteApp's performance and delay rebate displays by a few seconds.

    For more information. see Adding Rebate Agreement Records Using CSV Import starting March 12, 2024.

Permissions Update for Rebates and Trade Promotions Custom Records

The Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp version 2.1.2 includes enhancements related to additional permissions required to access custom records. The additional permissions ensure that appropriate access levels are in place for custom records used by the SuiteApp. Administrators can assign the additional permissions and access levels to roles.

For a complete list of the updated permissions for roles, see Rebates and Trade Promotions Roles and Permissions.

Rebates and Trade Promotions Installation Issue Fix

The Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp version 2.1.1 now includes unique internal IDs for custom records. This update fixes the issue that occurs when you install Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp that includes similar internal IDs used by other SuiteApps.

In addition, change logs for rebate agreements will no longer appear on the Update History tab after the upgrade. Those changes can be viewed as part of the version history when you click the Rebate Agreement Detail ID link.

For more information, see the help topic Rebates and Trade Promotions.

Rebates and Trade Promotions Enhancements

The Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp version 2.1.0 includes the following enhancements:

  • Updated Payer/Payee Best Deal Calculation- Previously, you can view only one calculated best deal among multiple agreements from different payees or payers. Now, you can identify which agreement for each payer or payee contains the highest rebate amount when you view the applicable rebates for an item.

    The system groups the agreement details according to payee or payer and calculates the best deal within each group. The agreement detail with the best deal is marked as Yes under the Payer/Payee Best Deal column.

  • Updated Payer/Payee field on the Rebate Agreement Record- When you select a payee or payer, the field now includes options to open a list and a Search function in addition to the dropdown list. You can use the popup List Search links to find the names from various customer or vendor entities.

    Updated Payer/Payee field on the Generate Settlement Page- When you generate a settlement, the dropdown list for the Payee or Payer field now displays only the entities with open settlements. The filtered list excludes options which do not require settlements or further actions.

For more information, see the help topic Rebates and Trade Promotions.

General Notices