Creating a Timer Log

The timer (stopwatch) function enables you to track the time you spend on tasks or with clients by creating a timer log. You can convert timer logs into time entries for project billing.

You can also create timer logs manually.


An active timer continues to run until paused or stopped, including during phone calls.

To create a timer log using the timer:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • From the login screen, tap Timer.

    • From My Dashboard, on the My Time portlet, tap To Report.

  2. Tap the Start icon:

    • For iOS, Screenshot of the NetSuite for iOS Start icon.

    • For Android, Screenshot of the NetSuite for Android Start icon.

  3. (Optional) You can add a description for the time event:

    • For iOS, tap Edit Memo, enter a description for the timed event, and then tap Save Memo.

    • For Android, tap Edit Memo, enter a description for the timed event, and then tap Return.

  4. (Optional) You can pause the event by tapping the Pause icon. Tap the Start icon to resume tracking your event.

  5. Tap Stop & Save once the tracked event is over.

To create a timer log manually:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • From the login screen, tap Timer.

    • From My Dashboard, on the My Time portlet, tap To Report.

  2. Tap the Add icon:

    • For iOS, NetSuite for iOS Add icon.

    • For Android, NetSuite for Android Add icon..

  3. In the Date field, select the date of your timer log.

  4. In the Duration field, set a duration of your timer log.

  5. In the Edit Memo field, you can add a description of your timer log.

  6. To save your timer log, do one of the following:

    • For iOS, tap Done.

    • For Android, tap the Tick icon NetSuite for Android Tick icon...

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